Sperlari Ricoperto Nougat with Almonds, Salted Caramel & Cocao Bean Flakes 117gm

    R38.00 (incl' VAT)

    Price per single pack
    • Finest Italian confectionery
    • Nougat with Almonds, Salted Caramel and Cocoa bean flakes
    •.Coated with Salted Caramel chocolate
    • 117gm pack

    Product Code: 6146
    Product Description:  Sperlari Ricoperto Nougat with Almonds, Salted Caramel & Cocao Bean Flakes 200gm
    Outer pack Qty: 1 unit
    EAN Number:  8013399161469

    Email for trade & wholesale pricing: info@cleanseyourworld.co.za

    Out of stock